Learn about my new book: Teaching With Typos: Tidbits on Me
This is a legacy site from 2011. If you want to continue, I'd suggest your mission of touring The Stellethee University through SwagBucks / Stellethee which helps pay commission for cool stuff like EndowmentFIC.
Speed up your tour by heading direct to bobasyourguide.org
Follow @stelletheeU - my most recent projectRead my new stories, Angel, Unassigned and Angel, Reassigned
Download my iPad app "Web Design Basics"
Order my first book, A Teenager's Battle with Cancer, from the Kindle Store for $4.99
You can use the navigation links across the top to go to different sections. This main page is used for major topics that are consistently important to me, that need more special attention than you'd find on twitter.
Two of my most focused interests right now are One Laptop Per Child (giving every student access to a computer at home and at school) and 21st Century Education (preparing students to live in a world where the digital surrounds them).
If I could tell you to do two things today, it'd be (1) believe in someone and (2) watch a TED video when you have 15-20 minutes. I don't really care which one, just watch one that'll interest you. Check out TED videos here.
Current Projects:
Some Past Projects: